Running Coach CT

Helping athletes from across the state and around the world since 2004.


For runners who are training for this most popular of road race distances, just logging miles is often what is offered by training plans from your local running shoe store or running magazines.  I incorporate short- and long-distance interval training.  Scientific studies have shown that improvement comes from working at the Lactate Threshold level.  For a 5K runner, short-distance is usually 200m up to 600m and long-distance is 1000m to 1 mile.  I can define your threshold training by pace/speed, % of Max Heart Rate or Level of Perceived Effort.  I include a variety of workouts in the plan that will accomplish the improvements.  There is benefit to hill workouts even if your race is on a flat course.  The hills “cresting” workout offers physical as well as psychological benefits.  Running a portion of the long runs at goal race pace are also part of the plan.

It all starts with you contacting me so I can send you my Coaching Questionnaire.  We would connect via personal meeting, Skype®, email, text message or voice telephone call to review the questionnaire and discuss your goal, from there I would create your training plan.  Each week, we would connect to discuss how the training went and what might need to be changed for the upcoming week’s training.  If you have questions or need some advice or guidance during the week, you can contact me.

“I consider myself to be a ‘recreational runner’. I like to run 5K’s but a busy life with work and family makes it hard to find time to train. Coach Hall was able to help me cut 3 minutes off my 5K PR.”

— Nancy, 42, Windsor, Single mom

Hi I just wanted to reach out say thanks for the great quality coaching service you provide your clients. We survey all of the athletes that inquire with TrainingPeaks about wanting to hire a coach and your name was mentioned in survey responses as being a great coach to work with. I appreciate the hard work as it also reflects well on the TrainingPeaks Coach Match service we offer to athletes.

I hope your business is going well and thanks again,
— Dirk Friel,, Co-Founder, Chief Evangelist